Monday, April 27, 2015

It Has Begun!

Here is the next page of Super Strike 10 Shadows of the Past.

The next page is coming soon so stay tuned!

If you are just joining us check out the comic archive! HERE

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Alistair's Zeal.

Here is the next page of Super Strike 10 Shadows of the Past.

The next page is coming soon so stay tuned!

If you are just joining us check out the comic archive! HERE

Monday, April 13, 2015

Nimoy's Mission.

Here is the next page of Super Strike 10 Shadows of the Past.

The next page is coming soon so stay tuned!

If you are just joining us check out the comic archive! HERE

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Battle of Wills!

Here is the next page of Super Strike 10 Shadows of the Past!

The next page is coming soon so stay tuned!

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Truth!

Here is the next page of Super Strike 10 Shadows of the Past!

Also check out the Winner of the Super Strike 10 Fan-art Contest!

Congratulations For a Job Well Done!

Crystal Hill :iconchill13: won First!

Occupational Hazard by chill13

Professor-R  :iconprofessor-r:  came in second!

CE: Kie by Professor-R

And Steven Olsen :iconminkwinsor: won third!

Super Strike 10 Fan Art - Rita and Scout by MinkWinsor

And I also wanted to thank everyone else who participated! Your art is awesome!

The next page will be coming soon so stay tuned!